51% Receptive to Mobile Ads While in Bed


Internet of Things Keynote Speaker, Digital Transformation keynote speaker, The Butler Economy

By Chuck Martin

As consumers remain continually online no matter where they are, how open to advertising they are can vary depending on what they’re doing at the time.

This is among the findings in a study aimed at understanding when consumers are most receptive to mobile advertising.

By physical state, consumers are most attentive to mobile content when relaxed (74%), when looking for something to do (68%), when full of energy (34%) and when ready to sleep (26%), based on the survey of 1,000 U.S. adults conducted by Aki Technologies.

For mobile ads, the majority of consumers are most receptive while at home watching TV. Here are the moments when consumers are most receptive to mobile advertising, according to the survey:

  • 59% — At home watching TV
  • 51% — In bed before sleep
  • 36% — Eating a meal
  • 25% — Shopping at a store
  • 24% — While exercising
  • 21% — Running errands

In addition to what they’re doing at the time, there are other factors that motivate consumers to pay attention to an ad on their smartphone.

In general, brand familiarity leads the way (54%), followed by interesting creative (52%), good timing (41%) and a brand coupon (41%).

However, when on the go, motivations are somewhat lower, although still led by brand familiarity (38%) and followed by interesting creative (35%), good timing (34%) and a brand coupon (30%).

The idea of blasting ads to mobile devices without detailed strategy and reasoning is long gone.