Study Finds 48% of Companies Can Detect IoT Device Breaches


Internet of Things Keynote Speaker, Digital Transformation keynote speaker, The Butler Economy

By Chuck Martin

Less than half of companies can detect Internet of Things device breaches, according to a new study by Gemalto.

Nearly all (90%) companies say IoT security is a big consideration for customers, while less than half (48%) of businesses can detect if any of their IoT devices suffer a breach, according to the survey of 950 business and technology decision makers globally conducted by the digital security firm.

Spending on protection has grown from 11% of IoT budgets in 2017 to 13% now, according to the study.

The majority (79%) of businesses are asking governments for more robust guidelines on IoT security and 59% are seeking clarification on who is responsible for protecting IoT.

The majority (59%) of businesses using IoT technologies encrypt all their data.

A previous Gemalto study found that 62% of consumers say security needs to improve, 54% fear a lack of privacy because of connected devices and 51% are concerned about unauthorized parties controlling their devices.