Smart Speaker IQ Test Won by Google Assistant


Internet of Things Keynote Speaker, Digital Transformation keynote speaker, The Butler Economy

By Chuck Martin

Even though they’re called smart speakers, anyone with a device such as Amazon Echo or Google Home realizes their speakers may be not be so smart at all times.

Besides using them for listening to music, consumers tend to ask questions via their smart speakers.

There really are two parts to that equation: having the speaker correctly understand the question and then providing the correct answer.  It turns out that smart speakers are much better at one than the other, according to an annual smart speaker test conducted by Loup Ventures.

When asking questions of Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana, understanding the query was great, ranging from 100% for Google down to 99% by Cortana.

For the test, 800 of the same questions were asked of each of the digital assistants on four devices:  Amazon Echo, Google Home, HomePod and Invoke. The categories of questions related to local, commerce, navigation, information and commands.

For answering queries, Google Assistant did best (88%), followed by Siri (75%), Alexa (73%) and Cortana (63%).

The good news is that over a 12-month period, Google Home improved by 7%, Echo 9%, Siri 22% and Cortana 7%.

Smart speakers aren’t yet brilliant, but they are getting smarter.