Lime Launches $3M Campaign For E-Scooter Rider Safety


Digital Transformation keynote speaker, Internet of Things Keynote Speaker, Digital Leadership, Keynote Speaker, Internet of Things SpeakerBy Chuck Martin

Lime, a connected e-scooter company, is launching a multi-channel educational advertising campaign called Respect the Ride.

The $3 million campaign will include digital and outdoor ads reminding riders to wear helmets, abide by local laws, park the e-scooters responsibly and stay aware of surroundings while riding.

Lime’s “Respect the Ride Pledge” asks riders to commit to safe riding practices with the first 25,000 riders to sign the pledge receiving free Lime helmets in the mail. The shared scooter company will distribute more than 250,000 free helmets around the world over the next six months, according to the campaign announcement.

Lime’s connected scooters, managed by mobile app, are in 125 markets around the world and have facilitated more than 17 million bike and scooter trips, according to the company.