Smart Cart by LG Follows Shopper


Digital Transformation keynote speaker, Internet of Things Keynote Speaker, Digital Leadership, Keynote Speaker, Internet of Things SpeakerBy Chuck Martin

LG Electronics and South Korean discount chain operator E-mart agreed to develop a smart shopping cart that can follow a shopper in a store.

Earlier this year, E-mart introduced a test of an autonomous shopping cart called “Eli,” which has smart sensors and can guide shoppers to desired products, avoid obstacles and recognize voice.

“By actively engaging in the development of (a commercialized) smart cart, E-mart will continue to drive the future digital shopping environment,” Hyung Tae-jun of E-mart’s strategy division told “The Korean Herald.”

The smart cart has a display screen and uses built-in sensors to scan product bar codes for payments, according to the “Herald,” with LG and E-mart agreeing to commercialize retail service robots.