Customer Self-Checkout Tested by 7-Eleven


Digital Transformation keynote speaker, Internet of Things Keynote Speaker, Digital Leadership, Keynote Speaker, Internet of Things SpeakerBy Chuck Martin

Retail chain 7-Eleven is launching a self-checkout feature so customers can bypass the cashier on the way out of the store.

The new Scan and Pay feature is being added to the retailer’s mobile app and will be piloted starting with 14 stores in Dallas. The payment feature is integrated within the 7Rewards loyalty program, allowing customers to earn and redeem coupons or rewards.

“We want to provide customers the convenience of choice and a great experience however they want to shop with us,” Gurmeet Singh, chief digital officer and chief information officer at 7-Eleven, told the AI & IoT Daily.

“Whether it be with cash or card at the POS, the digital payments – Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay – or skipping the line with Scan & Pay, we are enabling our customers to control their in-store experience.”

The test stores are geofenced, so once a customer is near or in a store, the option to “start scanning” appears in the app. Payment can be via Apple Pay, Google Pay or traditional credit or debit card. After payment, the customer scans the QR code that appears on the confirmation screen at the confirmation station.

Amazon Go stores, which feature cashier-less shopping, have been opening in various cities. In addition to Amazon Go, mobile self-checkout has been either planned or implemented at numerous retailers. Ricker’s is launching a hybrid version of mobile payments at 58 of its convenience stores in Indiana while 28 Jiffy Trip locations in Oklahoma and Rapid Refill convenience stores in New England are introducing the Skip mobile checkout app for its customers.