Interest In Using A Smart Home Device Reaches 51%


Digital Transformation keynote speaker, Internet of Things Keynote Speaker, Digital Leadership, Keynote Speaker, Internet of Things SpeakerBy Chuck Martin

The Internet of Things continues its expansion into U.S. homes and now most consumers at least have an interest in using smart home devices.

The majority (51%) of consumers are interested in using smart, connected home devices in the future, with 20% of them very interested, according to a study comprising a survey of 2,400 mobile users eight to 64 years old conducted by Magid.

Only 15% are not at all interested while 29% are neutral about using smart devices.

It appears the knowledge of smart devices is spreading with more than three-quarters (84%) of online consumers having heard of smart or connected home devices. For example, familiarity with smart speakers is high, with 94% being at least a little familiar with Amazon Echo and Alexa devices, 90% with Google Home and 66% with HomePod.

Nearly a third (31%) own or regularly use a smart device and 41% have at least used one.

Purchase plans for smart devices over the next six months bode well for Amazon. Nearly a third (30%) of consumer said they are likely to purchase an Amazon Echo, 26% a Google Home, 24% a Nest thermostat and 22% another connected home device.

Reasons for not planning a purchase of a smart device include not thinking they would add enough value for the price (44%), privacy concerns (38%), the cost (38%), not wanting a device listening in (33%) and concern about the rise of artificial intelligence (18%).

The smart home of the future is evolving and growing, one device at a time.