Mobile Deals for Those Who Want Them


By Chuck Martin

Mobile commerce is becoming available wherever and whenever a consumer wants it.

As we get ready for the wave of beacon deployment announcements by major retailers just around the corner, it’s becoming obvious that retailers and brands will be able to target and reach mobile shoppers almost anywhere in any environment and context.

The technological capabilities are advancing and being deployed in a countless number of areas. Some examples:

-Mobile shoppers at major department stores can use Scanlife, ShopSavvy or Amazon PriceCheck to quickly scan a barcode to make sure they’re getting the best local price on the product.
-Movie theater chains are allowing movie goers to snap a photo of a movie poster and make an instant mobile purchase the products being worn by the onscreen characters.
-Financial institutions like TD Bank offer mobile-optimized sites to quickly open a checking, savings or money market account.
-Apps like RetailMeNot, ValPak, Checkout51 and SnipSnap simplify mobile coupons from retailers or brands based on location.
-Mobile shoppers can use their phone to pay at checkout with Square, LevelUp or Isis or split a restaurant bill be sending money to each other using Venmo or Google Wallet.
-As they near a store, mobile shoppers can receive real-time SMS and MMS offers based on current inventory, thanks to geofencing technology. While roaming the aisles, these consumers can receive coupons triggered by beacons, like those in Lord & Taylor and Hudson’s Bay stores.

The reality is that not everyone will want this nor will they do all or any part of it.

Some retailers, brands and agencies are well aware they have to provide value to the mobile shopper and not simply deploy new technologies.

This phase of momentary marketing is when retailers and brands are experimenting to see what works in real-time for mobile shoppers.

Many consumers have figured this out and are taking advantage and getting the deals.

This and all the top mobile commerce topics are on tap for this Thursday’s MediaPost OMMA mCommerce conference in New York. Check out the agenda and register to attend. See you there!


Chuck Martin is Editor of the mCommerce Daily at MediaPost and writes the daily MobileShopTalk column. He is the author of “Mobile Influence,” “The Third Screen,” and “The Smartphone Handbook.” He is CEO of Mobile Future Institute. Chuck Martin is a frequent Mobile Keynote Speaker and Mobile Marketing Speaker internationally. He also addresses Social Media in Mobile.