The Many Numbers Behind Mobile Commerce


mp9004424091By Chuck Martin

With all the research studies swirling about mobile commerce these days, there’s no shortage of numbers.

Taken together, some of these numbers can point to the direction of the changes in consumer behaviors as well as the overall scope of various aspects of the marketplace.

As a follow to looking at an aggregation of the percentages around mobile, as I wrote about here yesterday (Stats, Stats & Stats: Mobile by the Percentages), I thought it might also be interesting to see some of the actual numbers.

So here’s my compilation of various numbers around mobile, in ascending order and all from recent research, with the source at the end of each.

13 – Number of messages per month that reduce customer visits, SpotPOn
25 minutes – Average time spent in a store by a shopper with a smartphone, Euclid
$20 – Cash carried by one in two consumers, Thrive Analytics
50 – Suppliers manufacturing mobile beacons, BI intelligence
$96 – Average order value of a consumer using a smartphone, Shopgate
$96 – Average mobile order value for women, Shopgate
$109 – Average value of a mobile order, Unbound Commerce
$120 – Average mobile order value for men, Shopgate
$132—Average order value of a consumer using a tablet, Shopgate
160 – Approximate number of feet a mobile beacon can transmit to, BI Intelligence
$142 – Average order value of mobile purchasing of office supplies, Shopgate
30,000 – Active beacons in the U.S. by the end of this year, BI Intelligence
5 million – Beacons installed within four years, BI Intelligence
$12 million – Monthly revenue from smartphone sales, BrandingBrand
18 million – Monthly smartphone visits to retailers sites, BrandingBrand
106 million – Monthly smartphone orders from retailers, BrandingBrand
140 million – Europeans who routinely shop via mobile phone, Ipsos
260 million – iOS smartphones around the world capable of scanning for nearby beacons, BI Intelligence
310 billion – Android phones around the world capable of scanning for nearby beacons, BI Intelligence
500 million – Phones with NFC included being shipped this year, ABI Research
$1.8 billion – Paid via mobile in brick and mortar stores, BI Intelligence
3 billion — Contactless transactions via mobile handsets this year, Juniper Research
$4.5 billion – Mobile payments in stores by the end of this year, BI Intelligence
$7 billion – Mobile commerce spending on mobile devices the first quarter of this year, comScore
10 billion – Contactless transactions via mobile handsets within four years, Juniper Research
$50 billion – Mobile ecommerce by end of this year, Custora
$74 billion – Value of total smartphone transactions by 2018, Forrester
$114 billion – Smartphone and tablet sales by the end of this year, Forrester
$219 billion – Value of total tablet transactions by 2018, Forrester
$293 billion – Total transactions from mobile devices by 2018, Forrester
$508 billion –Value of global mobile payments via mobile devices this year, Juniper Research
$516 billion – Mobile commerce globally in 2017, Digi-Capital
$593 billion – Value of overall mobile-influenced in-store sales, Deloitte Digital
$2.5 trillion – Total value of digital payments this year, Juniper Research
$4.7 trillion – Total value of digital payments by 2019, Juniper Research

That’s mobile by the numbers. And they continue to increase.

All the top mobile topics are on tap for next week’s MediaPost OMMA mCommerce conference in New York on Aug. 7. Check out the agenda and register to attend. See you there!


Chuck Martin is Editor of the mCommerce Daily at MediaPost and writes the daily MobileShopTalk column. He is the author of “Mobile Influence,” “The Third Screen,” and “The Smartphone Handbook.” He is CEO of Mobile Future Institute. Chuck Martin is a frequent Mobile Keynote Speaker and Mobile Marketing Speaker internationally. He also addresses Social Media in Mobile.