Brick & Mortar vs. Mobile Shopping Behind the Scenes


By Chuck Martin

As consumers continue to go to stores to shop, the mobile commerce volcano smolders brightly beneath the surface.

For some time, I’ve been following two month-to-month mobile activity tracking services, one that measures store activity and the other focused on smartphone shopping.

Taken together, they tend to create a more holistic piece of insight into the influence of mobile on shopping behavior.

Coincidentally, the two reports, one from Branding Brand the other from Euclid, both came out today.

Euclid measures tens of millions of domestic shopping session by tracking smartphones going by and into stores and found that in May most shoppers made fewer trips but spent more time in the stores.

Store traffic decreased 11% from a year ago, though most shoppers spent about 24 minutes in the store, a minute longer than last year. Repeat customers totaled only 13% of total visits measured, down from a year ago.

One in 10 shoppers who entered a store left within five minutes.

Meanwhile, Branding Brand found smartphone commerce activity to be booming.

The company measures smartphone commerce activity at retail websites based on 120 million visits, 997 million page views and 3 million orders totaling $375 million in revenue.

In the latest report, every smartphone stat is up. Here are the increases in smartphone activity compared to the same month last year:

69% — Visits
86% — Page views
98% – Orders
111% — Revenue

The market share of smartphone visits increased 49% and the share of non-mobile visits decreased by 20%, consistent with research we wrote about here yesterday (Buying by Smartphone: iPhone 74%, Android 25%).

Non-smartphone orders still account for almost three quarters (72%) of orders but mobile order account for the rest (28%), up from just one in five a year ago.

By device, iPhones still dominate sales, accounting for 67% of revenue compared to 33% form Android devices, which is consistent with other research.

While consumers still are going to stores, mobile shoppers are becoming much more active behind the scenes. 


Chuck Martin is Editor of the mCommerce Daily at MediaPost and writes the daily MobileShopTalk column. He is the author of “Mobile Influence,” “The Third Screen,” and “The Smartphone Handbook.” He is CEO of Mobile Future Institute. Chuck Martin is a frequent Mobile Keynote Speaker and Mobile Marketing Speaker internationally. He also addresses Social Media in Mobile.