83% Plan to Purchase Via Mobile, Up 15%


By Chuck Martin

More money continues to move through mobile.

Most (68%) consumers already have spent money on an activity via mobile and even more spending is anticipated, based on a new global study by InMobi.

The research found that no one category dominates mobile spending:

44% — Digital goods, such as apps and games
30% — Physical goods, such as clothes and electronics
24% — Financial, such as bill payments
21% — Entertainment, such as movie tickets
16% — Travel, such as train tickets

As you might expect, the study also found that mobile phones are being used throughout the day in numerous locations.

Interestingly, more people use their phones in the bathroom than in meetings or class. This is where people use their phones:

83% — Waiting for something
81% — Lying in bed
61% — While watching TV
57% — Commuting
51% — Spending time with family
46% — Social event
43% — Shopping
27% — In the bathroom
25% — On a meeting or class

The study is based on 14 markets balanced by economic tier and geographic location (Australia, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Korea, New Zealand, Nigeria, Malaysia, South Africa, UK, US).

Some overall stats from the study:

68% have spent money on an activity via mobile
61% of mobile Web users are comfortable with mobile advertising
7 apps were actively used within last 30 days
60% of the average global mobile Web users now use mobile as only or primary way of going online
61% of mobile Web users engage in mobile activities while watching TV

One of the key figures in the report is that most (83%) consumers expect to conduct mobile commerce in the next year, a 15% increase from where we are today.

Over the next three months, here is what consumers are expected to purchase:

58% — Clothing, shows or jewelry
36% — Groceries
36% — Music, videos, books
33% — Beauty or grooming products
28% — Entertainment activities
20% — Tickets
16% — Exercise and fitness products
12% — Natural or organic products

No matter where it’s going, more money is getting there through mobile.



Chuck Martin is Editor of the mCommerce Daily at MediaPost and writes the daily MobileShopTalk column. He is the author of “Mobile Influence,” “The Third Screen,” and “The Smartphone Handbook.” He is CEO of Mobile Future Institute. Chuck Martin is a frequent Mobile Keynote Speaker and Mobile Marketing Speaker internationally. He also addresses Social Media in Mobile.