SXSW Thoughts from Industry Leaders


Over the course of SXSW Interactive, we interviewed more than two dozen ad industry executives from within all areas of their organizations.

While these video interviews can be seen here, we know some of you don’t have the time to view them all.

Here, then, are some selected thoughts, insights or observations about SXSW from some of those we interviewed, in no particular order. Click on any one you want to see their video interview:

Alan Cohen, chief executive officer, OMD: “So much more going on than five years ago. More movement to hardware and product related rather than app related. Media has become fragmented and the edge is starting to become mainstream.

Jeff Goodby, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman, GSP: “SXSW is about the future, Cannes is about the past.” With the belief that the key is to fail quickly, at SXSW he is “looking for failure. You find failure everywhere here.”

Zihla Salinas, chief marketing officer, Rapp:  Inspiration big human interaction and how it is influencing technology.

Iain Lanivich, creative director, Campbell Ewald: Inspirational and an idea generator. Did brainstorming with entrepreneurs.

Krista Mollion, principal, Transparent House: Opportunity to see how little companies are driving their marketing. “It’s a zoo; a bit overwhelming.”

Julie Hardy, global chief marketing officer, SelectNY: The physical me and the technologically enhanced me. Consumer is completely autonomous in their mobility.

Craig Elimeliah, vice president, creative director, Rapp: “I see hashtags everywhere. It gives reassurance people are starting to get the human contextual aspects of what we’re trying to do now.”

Chris Miller, chief digital officer, Draftfcb:  Seeing more focus on international undeveloped countries where some countries are first experiencing the internet on a small screen.

Erin Hughes, manager global brands, MRM: Inspirational. Everything starts with an idea so you go back to your job inspired.

Eric Swaine, director of insights, Golin Harris: Excited about new technology finds, like Polygraph.

Itai Asseo, vice president, creative architect, Digitas: Apps an everyday thing and now seeing a backlash of digital. Moving to physical.

There are more  and the all the SXSX videos by MediaPost can be found here.

  Chuck Martin is editor of mCommerce Daily at MediaPost and writes the daily MobileShopTalk. He is author of “The Third Screen,” “The Smartphone Handbook,” and the soon-to-be-published “Mobile Influence.” He is CEO of Mobile Future Institute and a frequent mobile keynote speaker around the globe.