Live at SXSW: The Grumpy Cat


A few days ago, after MediaPost’s OMMA Mobile and Social events at SXSWi, I rode up the elevator at the AT&T Conference Center with a woman holding a cat.

The male accompanying her told me that it was not just any cat but it was THE Grumpy Cat. I had to admit, the cat did not look all that happy, though I had just surmised because it had to stay in a hotel overnight.

I never gave this another thought until on the way to the convention center for SXSW this morning we came across a huge line, stretching around a city block.

Thinking this might be a sponsored breakfast line, we asked one of the people in line what it was for and were told it was the line to see the Grumpy Cat, which would arriving in about an hour. The person also offered her best grumpy expession (see photo).

Many will have waited three hours to see the cat and have their picture taken for a few (without being allowed to touch the cat, we were told), making their best grumpy face compared to the cat’s grumpy face.

It’s all part of the SXSW happenings.