Gore vs. Porn vs. Muppets


Conference programmers can never be challenged for skipping an interesting juxtaposition of keynote speakers at SXSW.

Dueling afternoon keynotes were held by AL Gore, who packed the mega-auditorium  and Cindy Gallop’s session entitled The Future of Porn, who almost packed a large auditorium at the Convention Center.

Her talk was really about how the porn industry can reinvent itself and its business model; and the opportunities the tech world is missing out on.

She argues that considering the obstacles that entrepreneurs with tech startups encounter, it is substantially higher when that startup has do to with sex. Relating it to business, Gallop said “porn is like any other sector.”

A third simultaneous main presentation was Muppets to Mastery: UX Principles from Jim Henson.

All three sessions drew a full house, all at the same hour.

If nothing else, give the SXSX programmers for catchy titles.