Mobile, Social Take the Stage at SXSW


At an absolutely packed house at OMMA Mobile at SXSW Interactive in Austin today, attendees at the Austin event heard a wealth of insights from a range of industry players.

The OMMA part of SXSW was held at the AT&T Conference Center, a mile from the convention center, the main venue for SXSW. So many people came that lines lasted for hours as the hall was filled to capacity.

Rich Lesperance, head of digital marketing and emerging media at Walgreens, told the audience that the pharmacy chain is now receiving more than one prescription per second via mobile.

Another Walgreens finding is that mobile users spend six times more and a 50 percent of prescription refills are by mobile.

And speaking of retail, pizza chain Domino’s is riding the mobile wave as well. Dennis Maloney, VP of multi-media marketing at Domino’s, said the company is selling more than $1 billion worth of pizza through its digital channels with more than a third of sales coming via mobile.

Maloney also demonstrated the Domino’s app where users can create their own pizza and noted that 14 million pizzas have been made through the app in the U.S. and it si being used in 58 countries.

By 4 p.m., the conference hall was still full as Kevin Dando, director of digital marketing and communications at PBS took the stage to talk about how the network uses social networks, most notably Twitter.

Dando said PBS has two people at PBS devoted to social media, so we were seeing 50 percent of their social media staff at the moment. He said they didn’t have a lot of people but have good tools.

He said one of his favorites was Topsy, a dashboard that gives minute-by-minutes feedback.

He also suggested we all watch for uses of the term “Oreo moment” throughout SXSW, so we’ll be in the lookout for that over the next few days here.

One audience questioner wanted to know of PBS’ measures of success, which were stated to be working at engagement and KPIs.