Commerce and the Mobile Insider Summit


Heading to MediaPost’s Mobile Insider Summit in Florida, I’m going over the who’s who of mobile on the agenda to review what we may learn about mobile commerce over the next few days.

Though the summit covers multiple aspects of mobile, I’ll be looking specifically for those that impact mCommerce in any way.

For example, the panel entitled “How Brands Learn From Their Always-On Consumer” is likely to include discussion on the purchase path, the decision process and what patterns brands are observing in customer purchase behavior.

A keynote by the head of mobile for JetBlue Airways is certain to include discussion of the role of location, especially at check-in. I’m writing this sitting on a JetBlue flight to Florida that I barely made due to the crush of passengers trying to squeeze through the too-narrow funnel of check-in and security at Logan Airport.

In my case, an extremely helpful JetBlue agent named Rebecca got me through the process in time to make the flight. After Tweeting with JetBlue, they sent me a link to offer my comments, both positive and negative. Ironically, the feedback mechanism didn’t work on mobile and JetBlue suggested via Tweet that it has to be done on a computer. So we have at least one question for the JetBlue keynoter.

The panel “Crafting the Mobile Dialogue” for sure will include how companies should be interacting with a personal touch. The role of MMS will certainly come up, since the CEO of MMS leader Mogreet is one of the panelists.

The panel “Forget Showrooming: Enter the Age of Augmented Retailing” will squarely focus on how technologies such as augmented reality can be used to assist in-store customers. While AR is early in some quarters, there are some intriguing possibilities we’ll be exploring here.

We see Scan Life will be at the summit, so we can expect more discussion of the role of QR codes during purchase and with top execs from companies including Google, Lenovo, Verizon, CBS Sports, Nielsen and Microsoft, the entire mobile gamut will be covered.

Anything you’d like to know regarding mCommerce from anyone at the summit?

 Chuck Martin is editor of mCommerce Daily at MediaPost and writes the daily MobileShopTalk. He is author of “The Third Screen,” “The Smartphone Handbook,” and the soon-to-be-published “Mobile Influence.” He is CEO of Mobile Future Institute and a frequent mobile keynote speaker around the globe.